Carbeile Junior School

Linked Topic Webs

Throughout all of our units, we ensure that the planning is linked (in line with our CARBEILE curriculum).  This means that lessons have a common thread running through them linked to the topic and means that children can see the sequence from lesson to lesson.  Click on the links below to see the planning webs for each of the units so far this year and look at the links between each of the topics and the planned lessons.  To see the planning in more detail, go to the ‘Medium Term Planning’ page –  The ‘Showstoppers’ page also shows the end points in practice.

Year 5 Web

Year 3

year-3-download Year 3 – Linked Web Autumn 1 Journey Through Time Part 1



Year 3 – Linked Map Autumn 2 Journey Through Time Part 2



Year 3 – Linked Web Spring 1 From Source to Sea Part 1


year-3-download Year 3 – Linked Web Summer 1 – Our Changing World Part 1


year-3-download Year 3 – Linked Web Summer 2 – Our Changing World

Year 4

year-4-download Year 4 – Linked Web Autumn 1 (2021) – Where Does My Food Go?



Year 4 – Linked Web Autumn Term 2 (2021) How Do You Train a Dragon?


year-4-downloadYear 4 – Linked Web Spring Term 1 (2022) How Has Electricity Changed the World?


year-4-downloadYear 4 – Linked Web Spring Term 2 (2022) Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?


year-4-downloadYear 4 – Linked Web – Why is the Amazon so amazing? Part 1


year-4-downloadYear 4 – Linked Web – Why is the Amazon so amazing? Part 2

Year 5

year-5-download Year 5 Linked Topic Web Autumn 1 – SPACE



Year 5 Linked Topic Web Autumn 2 – ANCIENT GREECE



Linked Learning Spring 1 – POLES APART


year-5-downloadLinked Learning Spring 2 – THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON


year-5-downloadLinked Learning Summer – Our Living Planet

Year 6

year-6-download Y6 – Linked Web – Autumn Term 1 2021 – Natural Disasters


year-6-download Year 6-Linked Web- Autumn 2 2021 – Voyage of Discovery


year-6-download Year 6 – Linked Web Spring 1 Egyptians



Year 6 – Linked Web – Spring 2 Summer 1 World War Two



Year 6 – Linked Web – Summer 1 – World War 2 (part 2)



Year 6 – Linked Web – Summer 2 – A Time to Shine)