What is Special Educational Need and Disabilities?
The term, Special Educational Need and Disabilities (SEND), covers any learning difficulty or disability that requires special educational provision to be made for them. It covers a range of needs, including challenges in Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and/or Mental Health and Sensory and/or Physical Needs.
At Carbeile Junior School, we are committed to providing a wide range of learning opportunities which are accessible to all. We work closely with parents, carers, and when required outside agencies, to ensure that every child’s needs are met appropriately and all pupils can achieve their full potential.
We use universal, targeted and specialist strategies to support children, following a graduated approach to ensure that appropriate levels of support are put in place for individual pupils.
Important Documents
SEND Policy (2024-25)
This policy outlines how we identify and support pupils with SEND.
Local Offer
Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer describes the provision that is available for young people with SEND
and helps families understand and make informed choices about the support they receive.
School Offer
This policy outlines the specific provision that is available at our school and includes all support at
a universal, targeted and specialist provision.
Annual SEN Information Report (2023-24)
This policy outlines the SEND provision that delivered in the previous academic year (2023-24).
Equality and Diversity Policy
This policy outlines our steps to ensure equality of opportunity, foster good relations and
eliminate discrimination across all the protected characteristics.
Accessibility Plan
This policy outlines our steps to provide an environment which takes into account the needs of all
individuals regardless of their educational, physical, and emotional needs.
Contact Information & Support
If you have any questions about our SEND provision or the provision your child receives, please speak to your class teacher or email Daniel Tamblyn (school SENDCO) at dtamblyn@carbeile.cornwall.sch.uk.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is a free, impartial, and confidential service offering information to young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to their parents and carers.

Parent Carers Cornwall provide advice and support to parent carers of children and young people with SEND. They aim to:
– Offer guidance and advice when making a new or a reapplication for PIP and DLA.
– Organise coffee and chat sessions for parent carers around Cornwall.
– Offer a range of activities for parent carers to support their own health and wellbeing.
– Set up and run events and workshops that provide information and updates for parent carers.

IPSEA are a charity in the field of SEND law in England. They can support families navigate the SEND system and secure the education your child is legally entitled to. They also provide training on the SEND legal framework, and we influence policy at both a local and national level.

Visit the Contact website for advice and information about concerns you might have about raising a child with additional needs. They run a free helpline and offer a Listening Ear support service. They produce a range of email newsletters and parent guides available to download or order.