Carbeile Junior School

LAC and PLAC – Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

At Carbeile Junior School we are dedicated to ensuring all pupils reach their full potential.

Mrs Sales is our Designated Teacher and has responsibility for closely monitoring the progress, attendance and quality of learning experiences for children who were previously in care (PLAC)  and those who are currently in care (LAC or CIC).

These children all have provision plans to ensure the teachers are given guidance in providing appropriate support for each pupil. We also have an up-to-date school CIC Policy:

CIC policy Feb 2024

The Designated Teacher attends training as part of Cornwall/Plymouth Virtual Schools and takes part in termly PEP meetings in order to develop and review the Personal Education Plans of Children in Care.

It is of utmost importance that Children in Care, and previously looked after children, be given opportunities to make social, emotional and academic progress in line with their peers. The job of the Designated Teacher is to ensure all opportunities are provided by the education setting to enable each pupil access to the best opportunities available. The Designated Teacher is responsible for reporting regularly on the attainment, progress and school attendance of looked-after children through the authority’s corporate parenting structures.

For information regarding the pupil premium funding for LAC and PLAC children, please see the document below:
