Carbeile Junior School

How well do we make sure that all pupils make good or better progress in reading


Carbeile Junior School has many systems in place to ensure that all our pupils make good or better progress in Reading.

  • All pupils are assessed comprehensively on entry to the school (predominantly start of Y3)
  • These assessments are externally moderated.
  • Year 3 assessment data for Reading tests is tracked closely by the school Phonics Lead (Miss Hendy) so that expected progress can be checked.
  • Pupil Performance meetings held termly between all class teachers and the SLT (Senior Leadership Team)
  • Pupils not making progress WILL be flagged up and discussed.
  • Barriers to learning are shared with colleagues who can assist with ideas and solutions.
  • PIRA tests (published by Rising Stars) are taken termly.
  • These tests give standardised scores so that progress can be tracked reliably.
  • PIRA tests come alongside MARK, which enables teachers to look at progress indicators and any gaps in learning.
  • The English Subject Leader regularly has classroom-release time to investigate data and track progress…
  • Updates and summaries are then shared with staff.
  • The school SENDCo plays a vital role in tracking SEND children. She collects in PIRA test scores and uses these to assess progress, alongside regular classroom visits and pupil conferencing.