Welcome to Year 5
Please find below a range of home learning links to support your child’s learning in school. Our expectation is that you listen to your child read three times a week and record their reading in the reading record. Please make sure reading records are brought into school on Friday so the class teacher can reward and monitor home reading. Weekly Times Table Rock Star battles or tasks are set, so they can practice quick recall anywhere! Your child will be provided with weekly spellings and a login to EdShed where they have weekly activities to complete. All these completed activities go towards your child’s Friday golden time.
Home Learning
Below you will find a copy of our Year 5 Welcome letter.
This letter includes key dates and gives you an overview of the Year 5 topics.
Ed Shed
Each week your child will be given spellings to practise daily. If they return their spelling homework at the end of the week, they will be rewarded with five minutes extra play. Please find below some extra spellings and fun activities to help your child learn their spellings.
TT Rockstars
If you child access Time Table Rock Stars for 10 minutes each week, they will be rewarded with extra play. Look out for the TTRS Battles – which class can earn the most points?
Autumn 1- Space
Autumn 2- The Stuarts
Spring 1- Poles Apart
Poles Apart Key Knowledge Facts
Spring 2- Our Living Planet
Our Living Planet Key Knowledge Facts