When children are ‘falling behind’, whether they have SEN provision or not, systematic steps are put in place to give these children the very best opportunity of catching up with their peers.
- There is an extremely rigourous assessment of Reading.
- Children who are ‘falling behind’ in Reading are flagged up immediately – through the use of Pupil Performance meetings, Pupil Performance forms, Insight tracking, summative reading tests or Reading Skills lesson assessments.
- Children who are ‘falling behind’ are discussed on an individual basis with the SLT (Senior Leadership Team).
- Code X Reading groups – these interventions, taught by trained, highly-skilled TAs, focus on reading fluency and comprehension skills.
- Extra one to one Reading Time with various adults in school.
- Reading with the Y6 ‘Reading Buddies’ in the library at lunchtimes.
- Records are kept of children who are not reading at home.
- ‘Targeting’ selected children to work with in Reading Skills (VIPERS) lessons.
- Provision Plans for SEND pupils.
- Reading Eggs computer subscription for some children.
- Support and monitoring from the school’s SENDco (Mrs J Evans)
- Communication with parents and carers – including termly reports and parental consultation meetings.
- Year 6 Booster Lessons- before and after school.
- Reading Recovery sessions – before and after school.
- School ‘open-door’ policy.
- Parental Workshops.
- Reading Champion meetings.