Carbeile Junior School

How well do we train our staff to be reading experts?


We understand that it is vital to give everyone regular, high-quality INSET in order for all staff to be Reading Experts.

  • Annual Reading INSET delivered by the English Subject Leader, focussing on VIPERS and the Reading Skills lessons.
  • Lesson Visits and feedback from the SLT and Subject Leader.
  • Lesson Visits and Learning Walks by the school SENDco, observing those pupils who struggle with reading and giving feedback to the adults involved with them.
  • Communication of new strategies and ideas shared by the Subject Leader.
  • Newly and Recently Qualified teachers have regular opportunities to observe and learn from other teachers.
  • TA and HLTA meetings with the Deputy Headteacher.
  • Monitoring of Reading Skills books and planning.
  • Whole-school Phonics training from external agency.
  • Phonics Lead (Miss Hendy) attended Phonics training with Dandelion Learning (shared with other teachers).
  • Other training opportunities signposted and available to all teachers, if neccessary.
  • Support with Planning lessons given by the Subject Leader.