“It’s so much fun, you forget that it’s really good for you.” Ruby – Year 6
“The clubs are great. I wish I could do them all.” Jake – Year 5
“I love playing different sports in PE lessons. The teachers make it so fun!” Mya – Year 4
“P.E. is the lesson I look forward to the most!” Bobby – Year 3
Our Physical Education is an extremely important part of this.
Creative – we use our imagination.
Aspirational – we aim high.
Rich – we deepen our understanding.
Balanced – all knowledge is valued.
Engaging – learning is exciting.
Inclusive – we are all learners.
Linked – our learning is connected.
Everlasting – we remember.
Our core values of: Aspiration, Commitment, Honesty, Pride, Respect, Responsibility and Tolerance underpin everything we do in the curriculum and are mirrored in our Physical Education. We aim for all children to grow their physical literacy knowledge and skills to lead so that they can develop and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle while they at school and future life.
- All lessons are planned using skills progressions so that knowledge is taught horizontally across the year group, skills are progressed vertically across the key stage, resulting in diagonal learning.
- High-quality P.E teaching delivered principally by class teachers supported by visiting experts.
- Regular active time in addition to P.E curriculum to ensure children are active for sustained periods of time.
- Opportunities to take part in memorable alternative sports opportunities.
- Opportunities to take part in a range of sporting clubs.
- Inclusive ethos for competition allowing children to take part in competitive sport, which build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
- Children are encouraged to lead healthy and active lifestyles.
- We provide opportunities for children to achieve their full potential.
- There are opportunities to develop leadership skills and teamwork is a fundamental part of our physical education.
Children leave KS2 with a love of sport and physical activity, a range of skills to take part in a broad spectrum of games and outdoor activities and an understanding of the importance of sport and fitness within a healthy, active lifestyle.
At Carbeile, our belief is that an active and exercise driven lifestyle is a benefactor to our learning and life. We have a strong passion for high levels of physical activity through the school day, an innovative and diverse P.E curriculum and the promotion of sport and exercise as a factor towards mental well-being. Striving to be the best we can, we promote our school values of commitment and aspiration as we compete others and ourselves- always aiming for better than before.
Our P.E lessons are taught by a combination of class teachers and specialist sports coaches. We offer a range of sport based after school clubs throughout the year and have great pride in the teams that compete in a mix of sports.
PE Intent, Implementation and Impact
How are P.E lessons taught at Carbeile?
At Carbeile our P.E lessons are taught by combinations of our staff and specialist coaches. In order to further children’s physical development we use traditional and alternative sports to teach the fundamental skills in line with our skills progression. Our belief is that primary P.E lessons should sew the seeds of a life long love of sport and physical exercise. 2 hours of weekly P.E sits at the heart of our health and well being delivery and we reinforce our on going commitment to fitness and an active lifestyle by making the P.E session as active as possible. Standing still is rarely an option!
Speaking and Listening
In all P.E lessons, children are given opportunities to discuss their learning and peer and teacher feedback is an integral part of our approach.
Children at Carbeile have opportunities to take their sporting interests beyond their 2 hours of P.E lessons. Every year group have access to competitions including cross country, football, netball and rugby. Alternative sports are a major focus for Carbeile.
The P.E and Sports Premium Co-ordinator is Tom James
Physical Education Policy 2024