To instil a love for Geography in our children and develop their knowledge of the world, as well as their place within it, and encourage them to undertake new experiences throughout their life. We aim to provide children with the opportunities to investigate and build geographical expertise from their local area to the wider world. This includes locational knowledge, understanding of human and physical features and geographical and fieldwork techniques.
- Geography lessons are planned coherently to build children’s understanding progressively from their local area and slowly into the wider world.
- All lessons are planned using skills progressions so that knowledge is taught horizontally across the year group; skills are progressed vertically across the key stage, resulting in diagonal learning.
- Lessons develop the children’s use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge.
- All Geography lessons follow the KS2 National Curriculum and are linked to the topic begin taught, allowing the children to build curiosity, ask questions and investigate answers in a variety of ways.
- Opportunities are provided for children to develop their skills and fieldwork using maps and atlases (both physical and digital).
- Fieldwork allows children to apply their geographical skills in a real-life setting and explore their local area and the features within it.
- Where possible, Geography lessons make links to other subjects such as History, Science and Maths.
- Use of the school’s world map allows children to visually see the location of their areas of learning and make links to the areas of learning in other year groups.
- ‘Reactive Geography’ informs children of worldwide events that are being reported in the news (e.g. natural disasters) and further builds their understanding of physical geography and place knowledge.
- We use our ‘total recall’ time at the start of topic and Geography lessons to develop the children’s long-term memory on specific Geography KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts).
Well-constructed and well-taught Geography lessons lead to good results because those results reflect what children have learned. All learning builds towards clearly defined end points. Children will leave KS2 with a love of Geography, a strong knowledge of their local area and a confidence of the location of other countries and cities around the world. All pupils will be able to discuss and recall a variety of events and where they happened in the world, as well as explain aspects of human and physical geography and confidently use maps and atlases (physical and digital).
Pupil Conferencing
“Our lessons are good – I enjoy learning about the world!”
Joe, Year 3
“Lesson are fun – we got to plan a route for Shackleton’s journey!”
Charlie, Year 5
“Geography is important so we know what is happening in the world.”
Poppy, Year 5
“Our lessons are really informative. We learnt about natural disasters and used computers to plot where different features could be found in Egypt.”
Niamh and Sophie, Year 6
Geography Intent, Implementation and Impact
The document below outlines our intent for Geography, how we implement it and what the impact is.
Geography – Intent, Implementation and Impact
How are Geography lessons taught at Carbeile?
Discrete Geography lessons – At Carbeile Junior School, we inspire pupils through providing high quality teaching and learning of Geography; fostering a culture of curiosity and fascination about the world. Pupils leave our school equipped with knowledge about the world, people and resources.
We believe Geography is more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about children understanding the world they live in, appreciating and comparing different cultures and using all that knowledge to bring people together.
Geography lessons are planned using the Skills Progression below. Throughout all lessons there is an emphasis on the development of long-term memory to ensure that knowledge and skills are retained and built upon.
Geography Skills Progression 23-24
Speaking and Listening – Children are given frequent opportunities to discuss their geographical thinking.
Enrichment – As part of the Humanities Hub at Carbeile, the children experienced Geography through our ‘Humanities Day’. This celebrated the centenary of Armistice Day and the children learnt about the human impact of the World Wars on our landscape.
Home Learning – There could be an element of Geography within your child’s topic home learning tasks, which are set every half term.
Key Knowledge Facts – These are closely aligned with the curriculum, with specific half-termly targets for each year group. We expect the majority of children within a year group to be working towards these targets. Children are expected to practise these facts during our Geography lessons.
The Geography Co-ordinator
Sophie Tullett is the Geography co-ordinator and oversees the teaching and learning of Geography at Carbeile.
Please find below the Geography Administrative Documents.
Examples of Year 3 Geography work