Physical Education

At Carbeile, we empower our children to lead happy and healthy lives through activity and sport.

Physical Education - Our Intent


Our values of Kindness, Pride, Honesty, Respect, Aspiration and Endeavour underpin everything we do in the curriculum. These values are reflected in our Physical Education. We aim for all children to develop their physical literacy, skills and knowledge so that they can lead happy, active and healthy lifestyles while at Carbeile and their future lives.

Long Term Planning


Take a look at how our children’s learning in PE progresses as they move through the Key Stage.

All lessons have been carefully considered, planned to cater for the learning needs of all children and with careful links made wherever possible to previous year/next year learning.

Teachers use the Skills Progression to tailor their lessons to the year group they teach and ensure children develop in PE in line with their age related expectation.



PE sessions are taught twice-a-week: one in-door lesson in the hall and one out-door.
All lessons are planned using skills progressions so that knowledge and skills are developed through the Key Stage. We are partnered with ARENA Schools – our local PE partnership. They support our PE curriculum.
Teachers use adaptive teaching pedagogy to ensure all children are included and are learning to their full potential whatever their capability.
High-quality P.E teaching delivered by class teachers and are occasionally supported by visiting expert coaches for staff CPD.
PE and activity at Carbeile is fun and taught in an inspiring way by motivational teachers.
Regular active time in addition to P.E curriculum to ensure children are active for sustained periods of time throughout the day.
Active learning is encouraged in all subject areas wherever possible – eg Geography map skills in orienteering or a dance created with a Roman History theme.
There are opportunities to take part in memorable alternative sports opportunities.
There are opportunities to take part in a range of sports and activity.
Inclusive ethos for competition allowing children to take part in competitive sport, which build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Children are encouraged to lead healthy and active lifestyles.
We provide opportunities for children to achieve their full potential – to be their best self.
There are opportunities to develop leadership skills and teamwork is a fundamental part of our physical education through oracy.
Swimming is taught in Year 5 – with booster sessions in Year 6. These sessions take place at HMS Raleigh.



High quality communication in sport is vital. Therefore, there are numerous ways where Speaking/Listening and Oracy are developed and encouraged in PE.

We empower the children to take pride in their teamwork abilities. We foster belonging to teams and encourage a respectful competitive spirit. Oracy is key component of this – how we talk to each other and what we say has power.

Children talk openly about their learning. Teachers provide meaningful feedback, they question the children and peer assessment is used to provide opportunities for oracy to grow.



Our values of Kindness, Pride, Honesty, Respect, Aspiration and Endeavour underpin everything we do in the curriculum. These values are reflected in our Physical Education. We aim for all children to develop their physical literacy, skills and knowledge so that they can lead happy, active and healthy lifestyles while at Carbeile and their future lives.



Formative Assessment
Formative assessments are useful for gauging ongoing progress and understanding during the learning process. These methods help guide teaching and provide feedback to children:
Discussion and questioning: Engage children in open-ended questions related to the learning to evaluate comprehension and the ability to think critically about their learning.
Peer and self-assessment: Encourage children to reflect on their own and others’ work. Peer assessment can be particularly effective in group tasks where children assess each other’s contributions.
Practical/Skills Assessment
Practical assessments focus on children’ ability to apply their knowledge and skills in performances, games or scenarios. Teachers will carry these out lesson-to-lesson.
Models – teacher or peers are used to model a skill or to demonstrate something the teacher is coaching in a real-life example.
Encourage children to reflect on their learning and track their progress over time:
We often use success criteria which we ask the children to reflect on themselves.
Adaptive Teaching
Ensure that assessments are accessible to all learners, including those with additional needs or those who are demonstrating a higher level of achievement/attainment.
We use the STEP principle when assessing all sessions.
S > SPACE – how would changing the space make this harder/easier?
T> TIME/TASK – is the task too difficult/complex or too easy? How would changing the time scale affect the task?
E> EQUIPMENT – What equipment is the best for an individual to have the optimum success?
P> PEOPLE – smaller/larger team, dynamic of a group etc.
By using a variety of these assessment techniques, you can obtain a well-rounded picture of children’s understanding and ability in PE – their physical literacy, physical skills, social interaction and understanding of rules and tactics.

It’s so much fun, you forget that it’s really good for you. Ruby
The clubs are great. I wish I could do them all. Jake
I love playing different sports in PE lessons. The teachers make it so fun! Mya
P.E. is the lesson I look forward to the most! Alfie