
Empowering young explorers with the skills to understand, navigate and protect our world!

Geography - Our Intent


We aim to inspire a love for Geography by helping students understand the world, their role in it and its diverse environments, places and cultures. We encourage curiosity and exploration, from their local surroundings to the wider world. Through a balanced curriculum, engaging lessons, and dynamic hands-on activities—such as map reading, fieldwork, and comparison studies—we foster a strong understanding of both human and physical geography, equipping students with the skills they need for the future.

Long Term Planning


Take a look at how our children’s learning in geography progresses as they move from Year 3 to Year 6 and then into Key Stage 3. All lessons have been carefully considered, planned to cater for the learning needs of all children and with careful links made wherever possible to previous year/next year learning in geography and in other subjects.

Our Big Questions (Medium-Term Plan)


Take a look at how our children’s learning in geography progresses as they move from Year 3 to Year 6 and then into Key Stage 3. All lessons have been carefully considered, planned to cater for the learning needs of all children and with careful links made wherever possible to previous year/next year learning in geography and in other subjects.

Knowledge Facts


The answers to all of our ‘Big Questions’ form our Knowledge Facts. This is the knowledge that we think our children need to remember in future years, well beyond when they have left their year group and when they have left Carbeile Junior School. We have ‘Total Recall’ in all lessons, quizzing the children about past weeks, past topics and even past years learning.


  • Geography lessons are planned coherently to build children’s understanding progressively from their local area and slowly into the wider world.
  • All lessons are planned using skills progressions so that knowledge is taught horizontally across the year group; skills are progressed vertically across the key stage, resulting in diagonal learning.
  • Lessons develop the children’s use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge.
  • All Geography lessons follow the KS2 National Curriculum and are linked to the topic begin taught, allowing the children to build curiosity, ask questions and investigate answers in a variety of ways.
  • Opportunities are provided for children to develop their skills and fieldwork using maps and atlases (both physical and digital).
  • Fieldwork allows children to apply their geographical skills in a real-life setting and explore their local area and the features within it.
  • Where possible, Geography lessons make links to other subjects such as History, Science and Maths.
  • Use of the school’s world map allows children to visually see the location of their areas of learning and make links to the areas of learning in other year groups.
  • We use our ‘total recall’ time at the start of topic and Geography lessons to develop the children’s long-term memory on specific Geography Forever Facts.



In geography lessons, children can develop vital speaking and listening skills by engaging in discussions, presentations and interactive activities that help pupils express their ideas confidently. In each unit, one lesson is dedicated to developing oracy skills, allowing children to use geographical language to explain concepts, express their understanding and communicate ideas effectively with their peers. 

As part of our half termly home learning sheets, there might be an element of Geography linked to one of the tasks. Please help encourage your child’s enthusiasm and enjoyment in Geography by supporting them with this home learning.



We aim to inspire a love for Geography by helping students understand the world, their role in it and its diverse environments, places and cultures. We encourage curiosity and exploration, from their local surroundings to the wider world. Through a balanced curriculum, engaging lessons, and dynamic hands-on activities—such as map reading, fieldwork, and comparison studies—we foster a strong understanding of both human and physical geography, equipping students with the skills they need for the future.