


Science is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards its clearly defined end points.  Children develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries to enable children to broaden their scientific view of the world around them.


  • Science is coherently planned, linked and sequenced to progressively build children’s understanding of scientific concepts.
  • All lessons are planned using skills progressions so that knowledge is taught horizontally across the year group, skills are progressed vertically across the key stage, resulting in diagonal learning.
  • All science is taught as a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.
  • Most science lessons are linked to the topic being taught.
  • Investigations are carried out at least once per half term where children use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain their findings.
  • Children explore, talk about, test and develop ideas.
  • We use our ‘total recall’ time at the start of topic and science lessons to develop the children’s long-term memory on specific science knowledge.


Well-constructed and well-taught science lessons lead to good results because those results reflect what children have learned.  All learning builds towards clearly defined end points.

‘Science is an opportunity to learn exciting new things about the world we live in.’ Daisy, Year 6

‘I love Science because it is so fascinating, especially chemical reactions.’ Eddie, Year 6

‘It gives me a lot of information and makes me feel cleverer!’ Lucas, Year 4

Science Intent, Implementation and Impact

The document below outlines our intent for Science, how we implement it and what the impact is.

generic-download Science – Intent, Implementation and Impact


generic-download Scientific Skills Ladder

Cross-Curricular Science – Many aspects of the curriculum are taught through a cross-curricular approach.  There are particularly strong links with Computing, Maths, Geography and Art.

Speaking and Listening – Children are given frequent opportunities to discuss their scientific thinking.

We aim to provide children with rich and exciting Science throughout their Science lessons at Carbeile. As a school, we are looking at ways of promoting deep learning to challenge all children. We also offer some opportunities for children to engage in Science beyond the classroom.

There are loads of great internet sites for children to practise their Science skills in the Parent Zone.  Please let Mr Webb know if you know of any that should be added to this list.

How to help your child at home:

Home Learning

Science homework at Carbeile consists of investigations and writing about it and knowledge.  As with reading homework, the most important thing for parents and carers is to support children’s enthusiasm and enjoyment of Science.

Knowledge Facts.  These are closely aligned with the curriculum, with specific half-termly targets for each year group.  We expect the majority of children within a year group to be working towards these targets. Children are expected to practise these facts at least three times per week.  If your child is struggling to recall facts, please concentrate on a smaller number and practise more frequently.

The Science Co-ordinator
Lewis Webb is the Science co-ordinator and oversees the teaching and learning of Science at Carbeile.

Home learning statement

There could be an element of Science within your child’s topic home learning tasks, which are set every half term.




generic-download Science Policy 2024



Year 3 Work


generic-downloadYear 4 Work


generic-downloadYear 5 Work



Year 6 Work