Carbeile Junior School

School Routine

The School Day…

8.50 a.mSchool Begins (children can come into classes at 8.30 to order lunches and complete work on Targets)
8.55a.m – 9.55a.mEnglish Writing
10.00a.m – 10.50a.mReading Skills, Spellings
10.50a.m – 11.05a.mMorning Break
11.05a.m – 12.20p.mMaths and Mathematical Fluency
12.20p.m – 1.20p.mLunch
1.20p.mAfternoon sessions begin
1.20p.m – 1.35p.mAssembly (Mon, Weds and Fri)
1.20/1.35p.m – 3.20p.mLessons vary across year groups
3.20p.mEnd of school day

Children can arrive from 8.30am.  Apart from organised activities children should not remain on the premises for longer than fifteen minutes after the end of school. Children who go home to lunch must not return before 1.00 p.m.  If children attend after school Clubs parents will be informed of the arrangements by letter and will need to give permission for their child to attend. Every effort will be made to give children 24 hours notice of a cancellation. Parents should note that the crossing will not be manned when the children are dismissed from a Club.

Parents and Visitors

All parents, visitors and helpers who come into school must do so through the main entrance.  There is a signing in device at Reception which records the visit and each visitor will be issued with identification badge, indicating to School Staff and pupils that they are in school on legitimate business.  The entrance to the building is controlled by CCTV and an electronic locking mechanism.  Visitors should push the button on the control panel to alert reception and gain entry.


Carbeile School is organised into mixed ability academic year groups.  Each year group has a teacher who is a Year Group Leader.  In most instances children stay together as they progress through the school.  Children are put into a house when they are admitted to school.  The teams are Balmoral (blue), Windsor (red), Killarney (green) and Caernarvon (yellow) and are represented by a colour.  The House System operates to reward children for achieving excellence Merit where they collect a badge from the Head teacher.  The initial pastoral care of the child is the responsibility of the class teacher during school sessions.  There would be occasions when concerns over health or behaviour would be referred to the Year Group Leader, Assistant Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher or Head teacher.

After School Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities (only class clubs available at the moment)

Depending on the interests and the availability of Staff prepared to give their time, a number of Clubs are offered to selected age groups. Currently these include:- Choir, Football, Netball, Cookery, Running, Computers and Gardening.  Many of these are operated during lunch break but lots take place after school in the first half of every term.

Personal Property

Children should not bring toys, games or money to school except for specific reasons. If children need to bring a mobile phone to school it must be handed into the office first thing in the morning.  All children can ride their scooter to school and leave it outside the reception.  This is provided parents are happy to allow them to, and that they wear a helmet at all times.  Any Year 5 or 6 children who have successfully completed the ‘Bikeability’ course can ride their bike to school, again with parents permission and a helmet.

Illness and Medicines

If a child becomes ill or has an accident during the school day, every effort will be made to contact the parents to arrange for the child to go home.  Parents will need to inform the school on the Contact form the name and telephone number of a nominated friend or relative who can be contacted if they are unavailable.The school has no special facilities for the care of sick pupils and it is always best that ailing children are not sent to school.

We have been advised that all medication has to have written authorisation in order that we can administer it in school. This means that parents/carers will need to deliver the medication to school, and sign a form notifying us of the dosage and frequency of the medication. This applies to all medicines including creams, throat sweets and antibiotics. If children bring in their own medication, the staff will not be able to dispense it. Consent to Dispense forms are available at school reception or available using the download option below.  Parents may, if they wish, arrange with the Head teacher to come and administer the medicine.  It will be the pupil’s responsibility to appear at the appropriate time for the medication.

The children keep their own inhalers with them at all times and these need to be clearly marked with their name. Parents can inform the school of any medical information that they consider should be known, on the Contact form, when their child is admitted to school. The school Doctor visits for selected medicals and parents are informed in advance of any appointments.

Parents are asked to keep a regular check in the child’s hair for head lice.  The local Doctors will prescribe the necessary lotion if there are head lice and children can return to school after treatment.  It would be helpful if parents informed us of any incidence of infestation.  We will endeavour to hand the information in a sensitive and discreet manner.

The school has an Asthma Policy and all parents of children who have been diagnosed as asthma sufferers will be made aware of it.  Parents are requested to indicate on the Schools Information Management System Data Admission Sheet on the medical information section whether their child suffers from Asthma.

generic-downloadConsent to Dispense Medication in School