Parent Feedback

Parent feedback is extremely important to Carbeile as we feel that this can help us improve.  This has of course extended into our remote learning provision during lockdown, so please see below for the parent comments…they are outstanding!

Two of the best statistics to publicise are…

  • 99% of parents are happy with their child’s learning experiences at Carbeile.
  • 98% of parents would recommend Carbeile to another family.


There has been a significant improvement in a number of areas.

  • Positive responses to how bullying is dealt with in school have increased from 92% to 97% and the aim is to improve this further next time.
  • Parents taking an active role in Carbeile has improved in the school as only 3% of parents felt they were not involved compared to 11% last year.
  • Only 2% of parents felt there was not a range of after school clubs compared to 7% last year.
  • 11% of children were put as ‘not liking school’ and now 100% of children are happy coming to school.


Thank you for your continued support this year and for your honest views on the questionnaire.  As always, if you have any further comments about the school, please feel free to come and see myself, a member of the Senior Leadership Team or your child’s class teacher.