Carbeile Junior School


In office since: 17th January 2014
Chair of Personnel
Chair of Discipline
Whistle Blowing
LA Governor
Provide strategic leadership and accountability.
Set the aims and objectives for the school.
Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives.
Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives.
Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher.
Individual Responsibilities: Leadership, Safeguarding, Child Protection, Recruitment, Performance Management, Community Links
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Business, Personnel, Discipline
Business Responsibilities: Chair of Governors, Chair of Personnel, Chair of Discipline, Safeguarding Governor, Whistleblowing Governor.
Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Member of the Torpoint Neighbourhood Steering Committee
Working partnership with Jackie Eason (Local Governor Specialist)
Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mrs S. Morton

Chair of Governors, LA Governor

In office since: 30th September 2014. Provide accurate information about the school, including: Progress data, Budget updates Staffing
Individual Responsibilities: whole school leadership and management
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Business, Personnel
Business Responsibilities: Headteacher
Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Staff
Member of CAPH board
Member of Schools Forum board
Member of Primary Standards Board
Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mr P Hamlyn


In office since: 6th November 2015 Vice Chair of Governors Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee Elected Parent Governor Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities:Curriculum, English – writing, Questioning in Lessons Committees: Teaching and Learning, Business, Personnel, Discipline Business Responsibilities:Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Teaching and Learning Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Parent of child at Carbeile Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mrs N Evans

Vice Chair of Governors, Elected Parent Governor

In office since: 16th June 2014 Chair of Business Committee Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: PE Premium Committees: Business, Personnel Business Responsibilities: Chair of Business Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Director at KPMG LLP, Parent of child at Carbeile Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mr A Gordon

Co-Opted Governor

In office since: Jan 2024 Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Pupil Premium, Sports Premium Committees: Business Business Responsibilities: Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Staff, Finance Secretary, Health and Safety Officer Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mr D Ford

Non-teaching staff governor

In office since: 31st August 2015 Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Baselining, English – reading, Learning Environments Committees: Teaching and Learning, Appeals Business Responsibilities: Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Torpoint Town Councillor Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All

JPeg White

Mr S Corbidge

Co-Opted Governor

In office since: 8th July 2015 Chair of Appeals Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Data, Maths Committees: Teaching and Learning, Appeals Business Responsibilities: Chair of Appeals Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Assistant Head at TCC Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All

JPeg White

Mrs M Blandin-Neaves

Co-Opted Governor

In office since: May 2024 Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Data, Maths Committees: Teaching and Learning Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Director of local business Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All

JPeg White

Mrs G Peacock

Parent Governor

In office since: 6th November 2015 SEN Governor Elected Parent Governor Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Disadvantaged Pupils, Higher Achievers, E Safety, Pupil Premium Committees:Business Business Responsibilities: Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Parent of child at Carbeile, Company Director AP Electrical contractors Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mr A Bird

Elected Parent Governor

Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Whole school leadership and management Committees: Business Responsibilities: Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Staff, Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mrs C Sales

Associate Governor Staff

In office since: 2nd September 2019 Provide strategic leadership and accountability. Set the aims and objectives for the school. Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives. Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher. Individual Responsibilities: Attendance Committees:Teaching and Learning Business Responsibilities: Health and Safety, Parental Engagement Pecuniary and Business Declarations: Staff Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months: All


Mrs V Shaw

Teacher Governor

Roles and Responsibilities include: Provision of clerking support to the Governing Body and ensuring those governor responsibilities are undertaken professionally and in accordance with governance legislation. Individual Responsibilities: Committees: Business Responsibilities: Pecuniary and Business Declarations: 2 children at school Attendance of Board meetings in previous 12 months:

JPeg White

Mrs L O Neill

Clerk to the Governors