At the Children’s University Graduation all children had an amazing time. Carbeille students who attended were Grace, Erin, Summer, Olivia, Ernie, Michaela, Abi, Indy, Evelynne and Florrie-May. Former Carbeile student Willow also attended and received an additional award for completing her Children’s University Fellowship, having taken part in 1000 hours of extra circular learning since she started the scheme.
Children’s University is all about encouraging children, aged 5-14yrs to take part in out of school learning, to try different things and to promote a healthy attitude to life long learning. Children record ‘Learning Hours’ in their Passport to Learning, from Children’s University approved activities and gain certificates for their hard work. It is a government funded scheme in conjunction with Uk Universities. The scheme is usually delivered to the students through their school or parents can join their children up independently.
We are all really proud of the Carbeile children that graduated this week. Well done.