Carbeile Junior School

Awards Assembly 09.03.18

Year 6


Head teacher’s Awards: Ben Pearse: improved productivity. An amazing letter written about World War 2.

Jack Wilson: progress in maths- 19/20 in Arithmetic this week!

Reader of the Week: Harry Stacey for excellent reading at home and school.


Head teacher’s Awards: Chloe Donne for consistently positive attitude to learning and excellent leadership in PE.

Molly Gilbey for outstanding attitude to learning

Reader of the Week: Olivia Rzeznik for excellent reading at home and school.


Head teacher’s Awards:

Alfie Jones and Mackenzie Stephenson for setting an example to the class with their excellent behaviour, effort, attitude and manners this week.

Reader of the Week: Phoebe Callow for excellent reading at home and school.


Head teacher’s Awards: Joshua Babb- For such a huge increase inhis effort and starting to achieve his real potential

Charlie Bonsor- For improving his behaviour and learning attitude and becoming such a helpful and well-rounded learner.

Reader of the Week: Alice Fox- Great commitment to reading at school and home.


Year 5


Star of the Week:  Chloe for excellent speaking contributions in all lessons this week. Amazing confidence Chloe!

Mathematician of the Week:  Sophie for challenging yourself this week

Writer of the Week:  Oliver for writing an amazing story for World Book Day using fantastic language choices

Reader of the Week: Grace immersing yourself into reading

Sports Superstar of the Week:  n/a

Swimmers of the Week: Troy Jack


Star of the Week: Grace Byrne for her questioning and exploring – her love of and need to learn

Mathematician of the Week: Grace Ruxton for her absorption in maths which has improved her understanding and her productivity

Writer of the Week:  Harry marks for the best writing I have seen him do sor far…

Reader of the Week: Harry Marks for his enjoyment and absorption

Sports Superstar of the Week:

Swimmers of the Week:


Star of the Week: Holly Nobes – great performances in assembly practice.

Mathematician of the Week:  Abbie Stacey – Amazing times table knowledge to help with our work with factors, prime and squared numbers.

Writer of the Week:  Iskandar Taylor – amazing elicitation task.

Reader of the Week:  Whitney Peters – Great home and class reading.

Sports Superstar of the Week:  William Frier – great racket control in tennis

Swimmers of the Week:  Chloe Gibson and ?


Star of the Week: Sky Cox for always trying her hardest in lessons.

Mathematician of the Week: Kieran Bottrill for trying her hardest to master 2 digit by 2 digit.

Writer of the Week: Lucas Walters for his determination to punctuate speech correctly

Reader of the Week: Hermione Burgoyne for her constant dedication to improve her comprehension.

Sports Superstar of the Week: Hannah Moyes for her bravery and hard work in swimming.

Swimmers of the Week: Rhys Mason, Holly Nobes and Chelsea


Year 4


Star of the Week: Luke for super enthusiasm in everything

Mathematician of the Week: Ruby for great perseverance with fractions

Writer of the Week:  Niamh for a great effort on her biography long write about Roald Dahl

Reader of the Week: Harvey for being brave and reading aloud in class

Sports Superstar of the Week: Riley for excellent basketball control


Star of the Week: Charlie Lawrence for an amazing attitude to learning and fabulous productivity.

Mathematician of the Week: Teagan for fantastic absorption and productivity.

Writer of the Week:  Pippy Battley for inspired ideas and attitude to learning.

Reader of the Week: Louis for lovely expression when reading.

Sports Superstar of the Week: Summer Lock for participation and perseverance with basketball skills.


Star of the Week: Olivia Southworth for super learning attitudes

Mathematician of the Week: Chloe Read for super work with fractions

Writer of the Week: Daniel Needham for great variety of sentences

Reader of the Week: Ernie Eastment for great reading skills lessons

Sports Superstar of the Week: Jake Atterbury for great skills in basketball


Year 3


Star of the Week: Olivia for an excellent attitude to learning.

Mathematician of the Week: Heidi for great rounding this week.

Writer of the Week: Annesha for a great effort in all of writing this week.

Reader of the Week: Rosalie for a superb effort on World Book Day.

Sports Superstar of the Week: Jack for great effort with our monthly challenge.


Star of the Week: Ben Bowtell-Stenning for fantastic effort in all lessons

Mathematician of the Week: Joshua-Lee Bradley for great efforts in maths

Writer of the Week: Alex Hinitt for productivity and enthusiasm for writing

Reader of the Week: Charlie Hadland for great efforts in Code X

Sports Superstar of the Week: Lily Hobbs for great collaboration in netball


Star of the Week: Max Ford for a fantastic learning attitude and great participation in our assembly practice.

Mathematician of the Week: Harvey Drake for good absorption and increased  productivity.

Writer of the Week:  Scarlett Vigus for lovely presentation and great productivity.

Reader of the Week: Tilly Bean – twenty-two home reads! – What can I say?

Sports Superstar of the Week: Amber Bonsor for our class record time in our ‘monthly sports challenge’.


Star of the Week: Lexie Marsh – for contributions to school council, and the would-be mathematician of the week if not for the snow!

Mathematician of the Week: Noah Donne – for challenging himself to higher badges with a positive attitude.

Writer of the Week: Tilly Hughes – Wonderful innovate writing, clearly taking inspiration from her favourite authors.

Reader of the Week: Jamie Taylor – For persevering with a new book and now enjoying it, reading regularly.

Sports Superstar of the Week: Devon Clarkson-Cole – for a very impressive monthly challenge time, thinking about technique!