

To engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design regardless of their ability level. We aim to inspire children to be creative and nurture a love for creating.


  • All lessons are planned using skills progressions so that knowledge is taught horizontally across the year group, skills are progressed vertically across the key stage, resulting in diagonal learning.
  • We cover a range of Art areas – including painting, drawing/sketching, printing and sculpture.
  • We look at important artists and designers to inspire our units. The artists that we look at link to our individual topics to encourage cross-curricular links.
  • Each lesson encourages the children to discuss, reflect and critique Art (their own and other’s).
  • We use our ‘total recall’ time at the start of topic and Art lessons to develop the children’s long-term memory on specific Art KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts).


Children will develop their skills, creative thinking and knowledge over the four years. Our Art curriculum will develop the cultural capital of the children.  We expand the children’s knowledge of great artists, movements/styles, designers and famous pieces of art.

We deepen the children’s understanding of how Art is used as a form of communication and how it drives the culture of our world.  Creative thinking skills will be vital for the next generation and we aim for the children at Carbeile to develop their skills and knowledge to become adaptable and ready them for future life.

“I love art because I can unleash my creativity!” Erin Year 5.

“There are no right and wrong answers in Art but you can always improve.” Ben Year 5.

“Making stuff makes me feel better!” Liam Year 5.

generic-download Art & Design – Intent, Implementation and Impact

At Carbeile, we love to be creative in our learning! In our Art  lessons we learn everything from painting Maya Masks and cave drawing to outdoor clay sculpture.

How are Art  lessons taught at Carbeile?

We often link our lessons to the topic that we are covering. In each year group, we cover a range of techniques and develop the children’s techniques through the years. We take risks in our art lessons, our teachers allow children to be creative and expressive through the artistic choices that they make. No 2 pieces of art are ever the same. Children are given opportunities to chose the media they work with and how best to translate their concept through to a piece.

Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening is incredibly important in Art as we discuss and analyse our work as we go. Children critique each other’s and their own work to further improve their creations.


Creative thinking, critical thinking and practical skills are incredibly important in our lives. Art is linked with observation skills and improves children’s ability to look in detail. Art differs from many other subjects as you cannot be wrong – instead it encourages us to strive to reflect and improve the more we do it. What a great skill to develop!

Home Learning
There could be an element of Art within your child’s topic home learning tasks, which are set every half term.

Depending on the topic, children will have Key Instant Recall Facts based around the artist, style, technique or history of their focus area. E.g. Year 3 – Cave Art

The Art  Co-ordinator
Jenna Worth is the Art Co-ordinator and leads the school’s art curriculum.