Carbeile Junior School is a Local Authority maintained school and the governors are the admitting authority.
Carbeile Junior School is a mixed 7 – 11 Key Stage 2 school serving Torpoint and on occasion the surrounding villages on the Rame Peninsula and we will consider applications for all age groups based on the same principle; if we are below our PAN (see below) then they will be admitted and if we are over our PAN then the procedures below will be followed.
Children with a statement of special educational needs that names Carbeile Junior School will be admitted to the school, regardless of the number on roll in the year group.
Children in care who are directed to the school by the Local Authority will be admitted to the school, regardless of the number on roll in the year group.
The school will participate fully in the Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol.
The school will participate fully in the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission schemes for junior school transfer and in-year admissions. Details of these schemes are available on the Council’s website ( or on request from the Local Authority (0300 1234 101). Closing dates, deadlines and timescales (including those relating to late applications) will be as stated in those schemes.
Please fill in an application form online at the above address which will be automatically sent to the school via Cornwall admissions.
Please read the following Local Authority document that outlines our adherence to their Admissions procedures…
1. The Process
The published admission number (PAN) for Carbeile Junior School in 2024/25 is 360, this equates to 90 children in each of the 4 year groups.
A. In the event of there being more than 100 applications for places in year 3 for the 2024/25 academic year the following oversubscription criteria, in descending order of priority, will be used to prioritise applications, after the admission of students with an Educational Health Care Plan where the school is
a) Children in care and children who were in care but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately after being in
b) For applications considered under the co-ordinated admission scheme for transfer to Carbeile Junior School:
i) Children who live in the designated area of Carbeile Junior School, or whose parents can provide evidence that they will be living in the designated area of Carbeile Junior School by the beginning of the autumn term of the 2020/21 school year
ii) If there are more designated area children wanting places at the school than there are places available, criteria 3 to 5 below will be used to decide which of these children should have priority for admission. If there are still places available after all the designated area children have been allocated places, criteria 3 to 5 will be used to decide which of the remaining children should have priority for any spare
c) Children with an unequivocal professional recommendation from a doctor, school medical officer, educational psychologist, health visitor, education welfare officer or social worker that non placement at Carbeile Junior School would cause harm to the child and that placement at Carbeile Junior School is essential. Such recommendations must be made in writing and must give full supporting
d) Children with siblings who will still be attending Carbeile Junior School at the time of their admission.
e) All other children
B. In the event of there being oversubscription for Years 4 to 6 the following oversubscription criteria, in descending order of priority, will be used to prioritise applications, after the admission of students with an Educational Health Care Plan where the school is
a) Children in care and children who were in care but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately after being in
b) For applications considered under the co-ordinated admission scheme for transfer to Carbeile Junior School:
i) Children who live in the designated area of Carbeile Junior School, or whose parents can provide evidence that they will be living in the designated area of Carbeile Junior School by the beginning of the autumn term of the 2020/21 school year
ii) If there are more designated area children wanting places at the school than there are places available, criteria 3 to 5 below will be used to decide which of these children should have priority for admission. If there are still places available after all the designated area children have been allocated places, criteria 3 to 5 will be used to decide which of the remaining children should have priority for any spare
c) Children with an unequivocal professional recommendation from a doctor, school medical officer, educational psychologist, health visitor, education welfare officer or social worker that non placement at Carbeile Junior School would cause harm to the child and that placement at Carbeile Junior School is essential. Such recommendations must be made in writing and must give full supporting
d) Children with siblings who will still be attending Carbeile Junior School at the time of their admission.
e) All other children
a) Children in Care
“Children in care” are also referred to as “looked after children” and they are children who are in the care of the Local Authority.
b) Designated Area
The Children’s Services Authority (CSA) has divided the county into geographical areas. Each of these areas is served by a specific school (or schools). These areas are called “designated areas”. (Parents may also have heard these areas referred to as “catchment” areas.) A child’s designated school will not always be the one nearest to his/her home address.
Maps of designated areas, will be provided on the Council’s website Please note, however, that these maps are, of necessity, small scale and if a property is near a border it is advisable to check the designated school with the Admissions and Transport (Policy) Team.
Larger scale maps are available for all designated areas on request. Parents can also ask to be notified of the designated school(s) for any address. These requests should be made to: Cornwall Council, Admissions and Transport (Policy), Children, Schools and Families, Camel Building, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY. Tel: 0300 1234 101, email:
If you are planning to move into the designated area of Carbeile Junior School, your application for a place for your child will not be given the priority accorded to designated area pupils without firm evidence of your new address and moving date, such as a copy of a signed and dated tenancy agreement or confirmation that contracts have been exchanged.
c) Professional Recommendation for Admission
If you think your child meets this criterion, you must send the relevant written evidence to Cornwall Council, Admissions and Transport (Policy), Children, Schools and Families, Camel Building, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY for students for entry at the beginning of Year 7. All other admissions should be made direct to Carbeile Junior School.
d) Siblings
“Siblings” means brothers or sisters. They are defined as children with at least one natural or adoptive parent in common, living at the same or a different address. Children living in the same household at the same address would also be counted as siblings, regardless of their actual relationship to each other.
To qualify as a sibling a child must be on the roll of Carbeile Junior School at the date of application, allocation and admission.
e) Tie-Breakers
If any of the criteria outlined above leave more children with an equal claim than places available, the following tie-breaker will be used: Where two or more children fulfil the same criterion, priority will be given to the child who lives nearer to Carbeile Junior School.
f) Final Tie-Breaker
Should the tie-breaker above still leave children with an equal claim because distances are exactly the same, random allocation (in accordance with 1.34 and 1.35 of the School Admissions Code) will be used to decide on priority.
g) Distances
Home to school distances used for tie-breaking will be measured by a straight-line measurement as determined by CAPITA One (formerly known as Education Management System or EMS) and supported by the CSA’s Geographical Information System (currently dataMap). Measurements will be between the child’s home address using Ordnance Survey’s Point Dataset (usually the centre of the main building of the property) and the main gate of the school (as determined by the CSA).
h) Home Address
Each child may have one registered address only for the purposes of determining priority for admission and transport entitlement. This address should be the place where the child is normally resident. If there is shared residency of the child or a query is raised regarding the validity of an address, it may be necessary to use the address of the person receiving child benefit for the child or to request a copy of a utility bill in order to make a decision.
i) Multiple Birth Siblings
Where applications are received on behalf of “multiple birth siblings” (ie twins, triplets, etc) or siblings whose dates of birth place them in the same chronological year group, every effort will be made to offer both or all the children places at Carbeile Junior School, which may mean allocating places above the Published Admission Number (PAN) where that is possible. However, where this is not possible, parents will be invited to decide which of the children should be allocated the available place(s).
j) Waiting Lists
The governing body of Carbeile Junior School, in partnership with the LA, will maintain waiting lists for all oversubscribed year groups at the school throughout the school year relating to the processed application only. During the autumn term 2015 the governing body will ask parents with children still on the school’s waiting list for year 3 whether they wish them to remain there. For all year groups, parents will be reminded during the summer holidays that the waiting lists have now ceased and that they will have to submit a further application for the next year group if they wish their request for a place at Carbeile Junior School to be ongoing.
A child’s position on the waiting list will be determined by the oversubscription criteria stated above. However, children who are the subject of a direction by the Local Authority or who are allocated to the school in accordance with the Fair Access protocol will take precedence over any child already on the waiting list.
k) Appeals
All parents who are refused a place for their child at Carbeile Junior School will be advised of their right of appeal to an independent appeal panel. Such appeals will be administered by the Local Authority on behalf of the governing body.
3. Related Documents
Health & Safety SEND
Single Equalities Scheme
Supporting Children with Medical Needs Children in Care
Cornwall Admissions
4. Policy Review
We will review this policy annually unless earlier revision is required. These documents will be stored as a paper document by the Clerk and electronically by the Senior Administration Officer and Clerk.
For further details of admissions please click on the links below: